Códigos de ejemplo
Importante: La conexión se debe establecer bajo el protocolo TLS 1.2 como mínimo, de lo contrario el servidor denegará la petición.
Ejemplo de consumo al servicio "/authentication/login"
para realizar la autenticación de un usuario.
var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xmlHttpRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (xmlHttpRequest.status == 200)
/* Expected data structure:
"access_token": "string",
"token_type": "string",
"expires_in": "string"
var response = JSON.parse( xmlHttpRequest.response );
var token = response.access_token;
// handle the error..
xmlHttpRequest.open('POST', 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/authentication/login', true);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xmlHttpRequest.send('username=YOUR_USER&password=YOUR_PASS&grant_type=password'); /* replace YOUR_USER & YOUR_PASS by the real values */
url: 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/authentication/login',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: 'username=YOUR_USER&password=YOUR_PASS&grant_type=password', /* replace YOUR_USER & YOUR_PASS by the real values */
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings)
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
/* Expected data structure:
"access_token": "string",
"token_type": "string",
"expires_in": "string"
var response = JSON.parse( xmlHttpRequest.response );
var token = response.access_token;
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
// handle the error..
$username = "YOUR_USER"; // replace by real value
$password = "YOUR_PASS"; // replace by real value
$data_array = array(
"username" => $username,
"password" => $password,
"grant_type" => "password"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/authentication/login");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_array);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
/* Expected data structure:
"access_token": "string",
"token_type": "string",
"expires_in": "string"
$decoded_response = json_decode($response);
$token = $decoded_response.access_token;
public class AuthToken
public string Access_Token { get; set; }
public string Token_Type { get; set; }
public int Expires_In { get; set; }
using (var webClient = new WebClient() { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 })
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string data = $"username={YOUR_USER}&password={YOUR_PASS}&grant_type=password";
string responseData = webClient.UploadString("https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/authentication/login", data);
AuthToken authToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[AuthToken](responseData);
string token = authToken.Access_Token;
Obtener listado Tenants asociadas a un usuario
Ejemplo de consumo al servicio "/accounts/tenants"
para obtener la lista de bases de datos/tenants a los cuales el usuario provisto (mediante el Token) tiene acceso.
var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xmlHttpRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (xmlHttpRequest.status == 200)
/* Expected data structure:
"Id": "string",
"ClientName": "string",
"TenantName": "string",
"WebApiEnabled": true,
"EmployeeSecurityStrategy": "string",
"Version": "string"
// handle the error..
xmlHttpRequest.open('GET', 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/account/tenants', true);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'X-Api-Version', '1.0-preview.1' );
url: 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/account/tenants',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings)
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Api-Version', '1.0-preview.1' );
.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
/* Expected data structure:
"Id": "string",
"ClientName": "string",
"TenantName": "string",
"WebApiEnabled": true,
"EmployeeSecurityStrategy": "string",
"Version": "string"
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
// handle the error..
$curl = curl_init();
$token = "YOUR_TOKEN"; // replace by real value
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/account/tenants");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: Bearer ".$token, "X-Api-Version: 1.0-preview.1" ));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
/* Expected data structure:
"Id": "string",
"ClientName": "string",
"TenantName": "string",
"WebApiEnabled": true,
"EmployeeSecurityStrategy": "string",
"Version": "string"
$decoded_response = json_decode($response);
using (var webClient = new WebClient() { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 })
webClient.Headers.Add( "Authorization", "Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
webClient.Headers.Add( "X-Api-Version", "1.0-preview.1" );
employeeData = webClient.DownloadString("https://webapi.rhpro.com/Admin/account/tenants");
catch (WebException ex)
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
// Handle the error (switch on httpResponse.StatusCode)
Obtener listado de Empleados
Ejemplo de consumo al servicio "/employees"
para obtener el listado (paginado) de Empleados de una base de datos provista.
var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xmlHttpRequest.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (xmlHttpRequest.status == 200)
// handle de returned data..
// handle the error..
xmlHttpRequest.open('GET', 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/WebApi/employees', true);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'X-Api-Version', '1.0-preview.1' );
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'X-RAET-Tenant-Id', TENANT_ID ); /* replace TENANT_ID by the real value */
url: 'https://webapi.rhpro.com/WebApi/employees',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings)
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Authorization', 'Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Api-Version', '1.0-preview.1' );
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-RAET-Tenant-Id', TENANT_ID ); /* replace TENANT_ID by the real value */
.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
// handle de returned data..
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
// handle the error..
$curl = curl_init();
$token = "YOUR_TOKEN"; // replace by real value
$tenantId = "TENANT_ID"; // replace by real value
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://webapi.rhpro.com/WebApi/employees");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: Bearer ".$token, "X-Api-Version: 1.0-preview.1", "X-RAET-Tenant-Id: ".$tenantId));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$decoded_response = json_decode($response);
using (var webClient = new WebClient() { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 })
webClient.Headers.Add( "Authorization", "Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" ); /* replace ACCESS_TOKEN by the real value */
webClient.Headers.Add( "X-Api-Version", "1.0-preview.1" );
webClient.Headers.Add( "X-RAET-Tenant-Id", TENANT_ID ); /* replace TENANT_ID by the real value */
employeeData = webClient.DownloadString("https://webapi.rhpro.com/WebApi/employees");
catch (WebException ex)
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
// Handle the error (switch on httpResponse.StatusCode)